ChangeBridge is a management framework and solution offered jointly by Accendi Learning and Archestra Research, for collaborative breakthroughs in problems inhibiting change.
ChangeBridge supports development of the ecosystem and perspective that is prerequisite to successful change and to the always-on competency for targeting relevance and value.
A History of Change On Demand
With national and international experience across multiple industries in both for-profit and non-profit enterprises, the ChangeBridge partnership has extensive expertise in people, product, strategy and organizational initiatives involving change management for business recovery, growth, and innovation.
ChangeBridge Solution Architects
Our two principals are Manuel Miranda and Malcolm Ryder, who manage the ongoing development and implementation of the ChangeBridge methodology and its knowledge transfer to the client. Their work on ChangeBridge covers each individual client's design and incorporation of both its existing and new resources in the new management perspective on sustainable on-demand change.
Manual Miranda, Principal, Accendi Learning
eLearning, Content Development, Profiling, Analytics, Solution Design, Facilitation, Training, Presenting, Relationship Management
Malcolm Ryder, Principal, Archestra Research
Strategy, Knowledge Management, Content Strategist, Analytics, Frameworks, Solution Design, Facilitation, Presenting, Relatonship Management